Home Business Starting the New Year off Right

Starting the New Year off Right


Getting My Business off the Ground

I can already tell that 2022 will be a year of incredible progress.

For the last few months, I’ve been toying with the idea of starting my own business, and this coming winter, I’m finally launching an online shop. I’ve finished a number of eye-catching paintings and sculptures and can’t wait to sell them to interested buyers; I might even accept commissioned projects for special occasions!

Keeping a thriving business in operation will take a tremendous amount of work, and I may need to hire a few assistants to help package and ship my products. Outsourcing the right designers to develop the website will also take time, but I won’t put it off! There’s profit right around the corner, and I intend to reap as many of the benefits as I can.

I Want to Take Piano Lessons

I’ve always adored the sound of the piano, and love listening to relaxing classical pieces while I work. I particularly enjoy the works of Chopin and Bach but am also a huge fan of Liszt. Their music has recently inspired me to try my hand at the piano.

I grew up with a piano in my house and did my fair share of noodling, so I have a limited background in music, but I never put in the time for serious improvement. This year, I’m going to search for an online teacher to master the keys.

It’ll be exciting to concentrate on this new hobby, and it’ll also be beneficial for my mental and physical health; in fact, the piano is proven to be good for the brain. Learning anything new requires serious dedication, but I know that, if I set aside just enough time for daily practice, I’ll get better and better in no time. If I can play Chopin’s Nocturne in E-Flat Major by the end of the year, I’ll consider my efforts a resounding success!

Working on My Confidence

I’ve always been shy but have recently noticed that I more generally lack a solid sense of confidence. This is partially because of my personality, but also because, as I’ve grown older, I’ve developed all kinds of awful new wrinkles—and I’m not even fifty!

To kick off the New Year, I’m getting a facelift so I can directly tackle my facial insecurities. I’m going to tell Father Time that 2022 is my year, not his—and tell him proudly!

Eating at Home More to Save Money

Since I’m not the best cook, I tend to eat out most nights. Unfortunately, this has taken a considerable toll on my bank account. 2022 will undoubtedly be a year of financial progress, but what good will it all be if I squander most of my earnings on expensive food?

So, I’m going to learn to cook well, and to satisfy my hankerings with leftovers and snacks. This isn’t to say that I’ll never eat out again—I definitely will—but everything is best in moderation!

After some number crunching, I’ve realized that I can save a few thousand dollars making home-cooked meals. It’s remarkable that one simple tweak can save so much money!

I Plan on Taking a Much-Needed Vacation

This year has been difficult—in fact, I’ve hardly had a moment to gather my bearings and take a deep breath! In 2022, I’m going to need an extended vacation, whether out of state or international. Sometimes, it’s simply best to get away from it all; thankfully, I have a good amount of money saved, so I don’t have to worry about going broke!

2022 is going to be such an amazing year—a treat for my mind, my body, and my soul!