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8 Tips for Reducing Travel Stress


International travel can be exciting, thrilling, and adventurous. It is a way to see new places, explore new cities, cultures, and languages, and also to try out new cuisines and music. However, after the Covid-19 pandemic, traveling to foreign countries may also be overwhelming and can cause some anxiety. It is necessary to remember that the pandemic is slowly coming under control (after the introduction of the vaccines) and that most countries are better equipped to deal with medical emergencies arising due to the coronavirus.

Before you start any planning, it is necessary to consult an immigration lawyer and get all the paperwork and documentation ready beforehand. Ensuring you have the correct visas, passports, insurance, and all other documentation can help save you from a ton of legalities later.

Let us look at eight tips for reducing travel stress.

  1. Organization and Planning:

Creating a travel folder on your desktop or inbox and storing all lists, relevant information, and links can help make your trip easier. You should also save all email confirmations of your tickets, reservations, insurances, and other critical documentation so you can access them from anywhere. If you prefer hard copies, you should print everything out and keep it in an accessible folder while traveling. It is best to keep this document folder in your hand baggage rather than check-in baggage if you’re flying.

  1. Check The Credit Cards:

When traveling out of the country, it is ideal to check whether there is an extra charge on using your credit cards internationally. Sometimes the travel expenses can get overwhelming, and it is good to rely on your credit cards. You could also check whether the travel insurance, bookings, and rental cars discounts are available on your credit cards. Some credit card companies also charge an additional fee for international expenses.

  1. Prepare for the Unexpected:

There could be a last-minute delay or change in plans. You may also be required to quarantine for a day or two in the new country. If this happens, ensure you have enough money, food, and drinking water for a day or two or isolation. It is best to be prepared. You may also have to undergo a Covid Test and wait until the results appear negative.

  1. Go Early:

With all the delays, rapid Covid tests, and other formalities at the airports, it is best to go a little early. If you have exceeded your baggage weight limit, going early sometimes helps to push through a little additional weight without paying the fees. You should also ensure you have enough time to cross check-in customs and immigration before boarding. If you pass through quickly, you will get enough time to grab a bite, stretch your legs, and stroll around the airport.

  1. Get Extra Food and Water:

It is best to keep some additional dry foods and drinking water on you throughout the journey. Even if the airline provides in-flight meals, it is best to keep snacking or munching to relieve the cabin pressure and to stay comfortable. Keeping the overall experience positive will help keep the irritation, stress, and anxiety away. It will also help control your blood glucose levels.

  1. Entertainment:

When you are traveling, it is ideal to keep a book handy. Reading helps pass the time and will allow your mind to think about something other than the travel stress. If reading is not your cup of tea, you could load some playlists on your mobile to play offline, listen to some music, watch a movie, or catch up on some old TV Series that you have been putting off. Ensuring your mind is stimulated will help take the edge off the travel and keep the stress at bay.

  1. Comfort Items:

You will find many people with comfort items on flights. Some people prefer their favorite travel blankets, a stuffed toy, a pillow, or noise-canceling earphones. It is best to get some of your comfort items on board with you for the flight. If you plan to catch a nap, a neck pillow will help immensely. You could also get some sleeping blinds or earplugs to help get sound sleep.

  1. Spend Delays Wisely:

Delays at airports and waiting areas are inevitable. If your travel is delayed, it is best to spend the time wisely – cleaning out your mobile phone, deleting emails, reconnecting with old friends, buying a magazine or newspaper, using the restroom, and more. You could also catch up on a bit of work, reply to unread emails, and get ready for a great trip ahead.