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Lifelong Learning: How to Learn for Life


Practicing lifelong learning is essential for everyone. And even if you want to get better at your hobby, you must know about this concept. This will help you improve your skills and make your daily life better.

And lifelong learning is not only about hard skills, like learning 22 Bet strategies or improving your programming skills. It’s also about soft skills, like communication. Here’s a four-step guide that Will help you start your lifelong learning journey.

Accept That It’s Inevitable

The world (technology, business, society) is rapidly evolving and giving us new opportunities. But, as they say, you have to pay for everything.

You can live your life the way you want, but you have to keep learning. Your relevance in the job market still depends on knowledge and skills. And the way to maintain it in a rapidly changing world is to constantly update what you know and can do.

Understand Why It’s Difficult

Learning is never easy. In school, some reasons; in adulthood, others.  Here are the 3 main barriers of adults:

  • Always little time and always lots of more important things to do.
  • No strong motivators, and in school motivated by parents and official duty.
  • Organizing, and often funding tuition is on you.

Each person’s life implements these points differently, with different nuances. To spell out your barriers is important, as it turns irrational negativity into a rational strategy, problems become solvable tasks.

Figure out Why It’s Helpful

An adult’s main motivator is practical usefulness. To ignite motivation, you have to figure out what the training will do, set specific goals.

For those who work in tech fields, goals are easier to find. New technologies are constantly being introduced, requirements change, “ambitious young people” come to the market. It is necessary to master new things and stay needed. It’s also easy for those who want to grow. Training is a way to gain valuable knowledge and skills, followed by a higher position and salary.

For others, it’s harder. Maybe they don’t need to learn. They need to, too. Training is a way to make the job more comfortable. For example, communication skills will help to communicate calmly with colleagues and get things done, even when everything is in a rush. Time management will help not to burn in the fire, jewel-like knowledge of programs accelerates the work with them, etc.

Think About How to Make Yourself Comfortable

Understanding what you want to accomplish and what you need to learn to do it is already a strategy. All that remains is to choose the conditions to implement it comfortably. It is important to take the suffering out of learning and not try to fit yourself to the rules: to learn sitting at the table in the morning, etc.

Some people are comfortable studying in the total comfort of home at night, when no one will disturb them. And some need a comfortable extreme: the morning, a cafe, the city wakes up, and the brain with it, while you read something.

Some like to thoroughly sit: allocated a weekend, loaded with notes, remembered student years. Others find it convenient when learning is imperceptibly built into every day: while you drink coffee or go to a meeting, you read something to fill the pause.