Home Business Part-time job for the student: how to find a good option

Part-time job for the student: how to find a good option


It is commonly believed that today’s young people have no aspirations: they attend classes just for the sake of formality (just to get a diploma), and do not want to get a job, and do not strive for self-development. Probably, this statement can be applied to a small part of students, but the overwhelming part of the future professionals to training refers more than responsibly, and start looking for a part-time job while studying.

A job for students today is not only a way to earn a little money to recoup the cost of training, but also an opportunity to gain practical experience, which later has a positive impact on employment. It should be noted that finding a job for full-time students is not so easy. After all, they attend classes during the day, and the work can devote only the evening or night hours. And many employers are not particularly eager to accept young and inexperienced employees. Nevertheless, with the right approach and some persistence you can find a job.


Here much depends on your goals. If you need a part-time job, first of all, as additional earnings to the scholarship, you can carefully study the proposals of employment centers and job websites. In this case, the first thing to pay attention to is the work schedule (it is very important that it was a part-time job for students), and only then see if the proposed work is close to your future profession.Although you can always buy a term paper, attending university is very important, so it is better to try to find a job with a suitable schedule.

If the main purpose of the part-time work is to gain practical experience, the best solution is to send out a CV to all the companies in your city (or better yet visit them in person) that may in the future act as your potential employer. Of course, you should not expect to be assigned a job in your field right away. However, even if you are hired to fill the smallest position (such as courier or call center operator), it is a success. At least you will be able to learn an additional profession. And at the most, you will have a chance to prove yourself, make useful contacts in the field you are interested in, and even move up the career ladder while you are still a student.

There may be a few other ways to look for part-time work:

  • job fairs – quite often representatives of large companies arrange job fairs (or “career days”) at universities, during which most prospective students are selected, with further invitations for internships.
  • contests and research papers – participation in contests that are held among students by leading domestic and foreign companies, as well as municipal structures, allows not only to make the first step to form their career, but also to earn quite good money.
  • Personal contacts – the most effective way to find a job can be an elementary survey of relatives and acquaintances. Together with the vacancy, you will also get a reference, which greatly increases the chances of employment.


Since students do not have work experience and qualifications yet, they can only apply for unskilled work. One of the options for such work could be a courier, promoter, freelance journalist, guardian (this option would be ideal if you need a night job for a student). You can try to find a temporary job. Among temporary jobs, students can expect such positions as office manager, receptionist, database operator, advertising or marketing assistant, etc.

Freelancing can be an excellent part-time option for students who have a computer, free access to the Internet, and certain skills. In this case, you can work out your schedule, adjust the workload, plan your income, and at the same time create professional relationships. The most promising professions might be such as programmer, copywriter, editor, designer, and translator. Perhaps initially this way of earning will not bring tangible results, but later freelancing can become a platform for a stable and fairly high income.